Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Those Diana Pictures

So Channel 4 is at the centre of another media storm. Its decision to show pictures of Princess Diana as she lay dying in that Paris tunnel nearly a decade ago has managed to raise the hackles of both Anne Atkins and David Aaronovitch this morning - no mean feat.

I won't be able to see the programme here in Portugal, so what I'd like to know is whether the pictures are better quality than these, which were published in an Italian magazine last year and are easily available on the internet?

(source: kierenmccarthy.co.uk)

(source: bobsob.com)

My personal opinion is that these are quite harmless pictures of Lady Di's last moments and the moral fabric of the UK will withstand their being broadcast on national TV.

The other question, of course is whether they are more offensive than these pictures of Britney Spears with no knickers on (NSFW).


James Higham said...

There are great anomalies with the Diana prelude and aftermath and they have NOT been answered.

Liz Hinds said...

I haven't seen those before. they are hideous.

M said...

There is a whole media sub-industry dedicated to Diana, it needs to constantly invent new angles and outrages to keep itself alive. The Daily Diana err I mean the Daily Express has made Diana a major part of its editorial policy for the past 10 years.

No inquiry will ever be enough, no findings will ever be accepted, because for purely commercial reasons this media theme needs to run and run.

Anonymous said...

Fake... fake... fake. That looks like shit you found on rotten.com.

Anonymous said...

Diana, on the back right seat, was only slightly injured and that in fact she was murdered AFTER the crash, that TV documentary also includes the testimony of french doctor Frederic Mailliez, who arrived by chance to the scene before the murderers supposed to finish the job. Dr. Mailliez started to treat Diana the best he could. He supplied Princess Diana with oxygen, before the “emergency rescuers” got her in the ambulance. He states that Diana was under shock, but had no visible injuries.In 2004 the illuminati staged the publishing for the first and only time of one of the photos of Diana in the car. This took place in an italian magazine, for a restricted audience.
One of the reasons to allow it in Italy in 2004 was to give serial liar and mass murderer “Tony” Blair and the rest of the illuminati media the opportunity to play the “respect for human life” role, screaming about how “shocked” the photos of a “horribly injured, dying Diana” were … while the photos showed no injuries. The “cry foul” mind control technique
The story of the photos of Diana after the crash, from August 1997 to July 2007

Anonymous said...

i dont think diana is dead she just wanted to escape the paparatzy
and her fake death was her revenge on them for ruining most of her life maybe there was a crash that was the last straw for diana where ever she is she wont be back thats for sure.


Anonymous said...

Diana was murdered after the crash she looked ok in the car shame on the british who murdered her i curse you all she was too human to be queen william should be next to the throne not charles

Anonymous said...

The top picture shows Diana uninjured and clearly recieving oxygen. As for the other picture she is horribly mained. I have nursed and seen much death but this is shocking!

Anonymous said...

Diana still has children left to be hurt by these pictures; they are also old enough to know that their mother was not perfect, whereas Britney Spears' children aren't old enough to be bothered by how much of a tramp she is.

Unknown said...

Don't know whether you realise, those are BRITISH FIREMEN and not French! Therefore, how the bloody hell could that have been in Paris, oh, unless, the teleporter was used from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory to get them there???!!!!

Think you are looking at pictures from another crash, petals!!! D'oh!

Anonymous said...

I'm not too sure if those photos are real (it looks pretty grim tho), I just think these comments have been hilarious! thanks all =)

Anonymous said...

Poor Lady Diana died in a terrible car crash, at the hands of a driver who was probably drunk. They were going too fast, trying to escape the attentions of the Paparazzi, which was stupid. They were in an old and notoriously heavy car, the Pap were on sleek motorbikes. The driver was negotiating a notoriously dangerous bit of road, with a dip down into a narrow tunnel, an off camber road surface, and going between between 60 and 90 Mph. Utter madness.
After the accident, Diana was clearly grieviously injured (and with 2 others dead within inches of her was probably lucky not to have been killed outright) and was extricated from her car by the fire service (they are not English firemen, they are French) but later died of her injures. No cover up, no mystery, no MI5 plot, no act of revenge by the Royal Family... just a tragic accident.
Mr Al Fayed is a broken man after losing his son. He blames himself and thus looks for reasons why others are at fault. It is called guilt.
Anyone who seriously thinks these are anything but the facts is a sandwich short of a picnic.

Anonymous said...

And yes... of course these photographs show Diana in her final moments of life and it is a simple act of tasteless cruelty to publish them, but then we live in times where the sensibilities of others are derided and held up to ridicule.

Anonymous said...

Ive never seen that top photo in black and white. Ive seen the other one, but she looks okish in the top one. How can this be? If the top one is real, there is no way the bottom one is the same event, unless someone injected her with a radioactive poison like polonium, which would be crazy. You see typical car crash facial bruising in the ultima foto.

Whats werid is that if you look at pictures of the car, the back seats dont look that bashed up at all.

Somethings not right here.

Anonymous said...

The second shot (with the mangled face) has repeatedly been demonstrated to've been from a totally different crash (as someone stated above, it shows British fireman). The first IS a photo of Diana from the crash, shown on Channel 4, and what got them in trouble.

Anonymous said...

there is no way that the top foto is real either. if you see the recently released pictures before the crash. diana is seated behind the bodyguard. in that black and white- it seems to be the drivers side they are showing.. so putting those two together... both pictures are fake. thats what i think. it would be impressive if the true photos taken of di are ever released.

Anonymous said...

The top black and white pic looks real. quite astonishing really! and i agree, she looked like she was ok there! There was definately something fishy that went on (maybe still is) Shame the media wont leave her and her family be 10 years later!!

The 'mauled' pic is pathetic, we all know it isnt her...whats the point?? its disrespectful

Anonymous said...

The top picture is real. The car itself was not that badly damaged. They were in a top of the range Merc, a very strong car, the cabin did not disintigrate. It had to be cut apart to get everyone out which is what everyone sees. Had she wore a seatbelt she would not have been thrown around the car (hence why you don't see her behind Trevor Rees Jones). People not belted in get thrown about. They hit other people in the car. They would have been bouncing off each other. She died from internal injuries, probably from being tossed about from the crash. Dodi was on top of her,dead, she ended up in the space between the back and front seat, on the floor. Honestly, these conspiracy theories are ridiculous!

Anonymous said...

FAKE , emergency services where wearing orange not yellow

Anonymous said...

Diana wasn't that badly maimed in the crash - and i've seen another picture which shows diana just behind the body in the second picture.

Are you sure the second picture is not Dodi or the driver?

It would make a lot more sense.

The top picture is identified as real.

Anonymous said...

i think so the car don´t have de roof and the next images have the roof ..is possible????
the second image is a fake ,with photshop all is possible
inma spain

Anonymous said...

i recon the lot of you are a bunch of 'TOSSERS'!!!!!!!!! LET LADY DIANA REST IN PEASE!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Second picture is fake, French ambulance men wear Orange, not yellow, and don't call 999 for help like the phone booth thing behind says
I can't believe someone would be that sick to even think about making a picture like that

Rant said...

It was a bloody accident, they do happen you know, she had a drunk driver and was stupid enough to get into the car with him over the limit, a lovely woman and a real shame but we all make mistakes she paid with her life...

Anonymous said...